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🐸 Take your printmaking to the next level with the Print Frog® Glass Baren™! This tool can easily handle any size block, giving you the freedom and flexibility to explore more printing options. It's durable, reliable, and perfectly balanced for printing. Our glass barens make relief printing more accessible and more comfortable than ever before. Unleash your creativity and create beautiful prints with the Print Frog Glass Baren!


»»———-Get yours now - All Sales are Final.———-««
Please Read and See the Photos. This top-of-the-line tool gets quality results. The tiny bubbles on the top of the handle result from the glassmaking process and should not be considered a defect. Matt Bagley has hand-tested all Print Frogs.


In 2013, Matt Bagley designed the Print Frog® Glass Baren™ to print large editions on warped blocks without aggravating repetitive strain injuries. Fellow printmakers, quickly saw the value in his product and started asking for more. In 2014, Matt refined his design and made the Print Frog available to the printmaking world.


As well as printing, it can be helpful in paper-making, for chine-collé, heavy folding paper, tagging paper for registration, and anywhere you need an extremely clean weight. It effortlessly prints on mulberry and Kozo-type papers and works on various substrates such as heavy etching paper, vellum, copy paper, transparent silk, and more.


Our Studio models are recycled hand-blown tools with care and precision by our skilled glassblowers in Texas. Every tool is hand-crafted with careful craftsmanship that you can feel in your hand. They are handmade, artisanal tools and vary in size, shape, and color.

*Our products are for printmaking, folding paper, weighing down paper, etc. Please NEVER use our glass barens to grind paint pigment. 
** Not recommended for use with encaustic monoprinting.

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ CUSTOMS & IMPORT TAXES ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊*
International buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. If you are a global shopper, please know your country’s VAT/tariff/duties before purchasing. The VAT will be collected via your country’s customs. Iron Frog Press is not responsible for delays due to customs.

‘Studio’ Print Frog® Glass Baren™

Out of Stock
  • We are happy to replace the glass baren if it arrives broken, cracked or we shipped the wrong item.  Please contact us within 24 hrs. of the Print Frog's arrival. 

The Prenta Froskur® Glers Baren er skráð og vörumerki Iron Frog Press LLC. 

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